
KeeptheMusclesinYourMouthMoving!Thetongueisaveryimportantmuscleforswallowingandspeaking.Theseexercisesaredesignedtoincreasetherange ...,“WalkingBack”ontheTongue·Touchthebaby'scheekwithafinger,movingtowardhis/herlips.·Massagetheoutsideofthebaby'sgumswiththeindexfinger, ...,SuckTrainingExercises.Strengtheningthetongue...​​​Repeat5x​oruntilyoufeelthetonguecomeforwardoverthegum.“WalkingBack”onthet...

Tongue Range of Motion Exercises

Keep the Muscles in Your Mouth Moving! The tongue is a very important muscle for swallowing and speaking. These exercises are designed to increase the range ...

Suck Training

“Walking Back” on the Tongue · Touch the baby's cheek with a finger, moving toward his/her lips. · Massage the outside of the baby's gums with the index finger, ...


Suck Training Exercises. Strengthening the tongue ... ​ ​​Repeat 5x​or until you feel the tongue come forward over the gum. “Walking Back” on the tongue (2).

What is Suck Training? “Walking Back” on the tongue

gently press down on the back of your baby's tongue while stroking the tongue forward. This will pull your finger out of your baby's mouth a little bit. Allow him/her to suck it back in. Repeat this exercise 3 times or until you feel the tongue co

Tongue Exercises

Repeat the entire tongue walk three or four times before each nursing. Pushing the Tongue Down and Out. • Put a clean upturned index finger (with a trimmed ...